Your Guide to Painting With Watercolors

Your Guide to Painting With Watercolors

Painting for some people is very relaxing, however, some mediums have different outcomes. In this article, we discuss what you need to know about painting with watercolors. Read on to know more about how to properly paint with watercolors. 

When it comes to paint, a lot of people recommend watercolors because it’s easy to learn and it takes the quickest to dry. However, that means you have to blend your colors quickly because once the paint dries, it’ll be difficult to blend new colors in. We understand that not everyone is a born painter so we’ve come up with what you need to know about painting with watercolors. 

We love art, and we think a lot of people would benefit from learning about it. We think watercolor is a great medium and very capable of producing the most beautiful images. There’s something about its dainty colors that makes it so alluring.  

Painting with watercolors is fun if you know how to do it, so we hope our tips are helpful in teaching you the best way to paint with watercolors. Aside from that, some paint-by-number kits use watercolor paints as their medium because it dries quickly. 

Another good medium for beginners is acrylic paint because it also has similar qualities to watercolor, but the pigments are more vibrant.

Let us know what you think of these kits and if you plan on trying one out for a project.

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Why Should You Try Watercolor Painting?

Before we get into what you need to know about painting with watercolors, let’s talk about why you should paint with watercolor paint. While this medium is pretty easy to use, since all it requires is water, it’s actually more suited for people with intermediate skills. Watercolor paint is not meant to be controlled or manipulated. You have to accept that layering is important if you want to achieve darker pigments, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to learn. 

With that, we think that there are a lot of techniques to learn from with watercolor paints, which is why we think you should try it because practice makes perfect, and we think that practice is the best way to learn the skill. 

Some people may be intimidated by watercolor paints because it is the medium that can’t be controlled, but that shouldn’t stop you. The texture of watercolor paint is unique, and we think it’s one of the most beautiful painting mediums.

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What You Need To Know About Painting With Watercolors

Now that we’ve covered why you should try watercolor painting, here’s what you need to know about painting with watercolors:

  1. Use watercolor paper: The reason we suggest using watercolor paper is because standard paper would absorb the pigment. With watercolor painting, you want the paper to let the paint sit on top, and this would also make it easier to layer the colors and build pigment.

  2. Get a blotting cloth: Since watercolor paints use a lot of water to help make the pigment more blendable, you need a cloth to dab the excess water. Or you can also use the cloth to clean off the brushes to use it on a different color.

  3. Learn how to contour: With watercolor paints, you can easily blend colors and that would make the shape seem more realistic. You can achieve this by layering one color in varying shades. Of course, you would need some practice before attempting this. 

Key Takeaways

Painting is a fun activity, and we think that everyone would benefit from doing this. With that, there are so many mediums to try out, and we think out of all these mediums, watercolor is the best if you want to master certain techniques. We hope that you learn from
what you need to know about painting with watercolors and that you’re able to apply some techniques in your first painting. 

If you’re not ready to paint from scratch, there are some companies that use watercolor paint in their paint-by-number kits. This will make it easy for you to learn the different techniques without having to come up with your own image. 

 Custom Paint by Numbers Kit