Painting is one of the most relaxing activities one can indulge in. It gives you different feelings and emotions that are hard to transcribe into words. A sense of happiness, achievement, and a confidence boost are some of the feelings that you get whenever you delve into the creative process of painting. For most people, having an aesthetically-pleasing result is the ultimate goal of painting. But for others, it’s all about what makes them feel good during the creative process. This article is not just an ordinary article talking about painting ideas or how to paint certain subjects. This article will talk about something different: a story of the feeling of fulfillment when finishing a painting. So, continue reading this if you want to feel the artistic experience without getting your hands messy for now. Thus, we hope that this inspires you to grab your paint and other tools to start your own painting journey for yourself.
Whatever form of art you try to venture into, whether you do it for pleasure, for stress relief, or simply to learn some new skills, there is always a feeling of fulfillment that comes along at the end. You know why? It’s because our body releases a feel-good hormone called endorphins that can actually diminish the feelings of stress and anxiety. Have you experienced doing something that you love? What have you felt before, during, and after the process? Happy? Relaxed? Relieved? Fulfilled? Perhaps you’ve experienced the feeling of satisfaction whenever you’re doing your passion--writing, dancing, cooking, baking, and so much more. The ecstasy when you’ve accomplished your goals that are related to your passion and/or art is often indescribable. It also differs from one person to another, so we’d like to hear from your personal experiences!
From a painter’s perspective, everyday is a new challenge to find new inspirations to keep the artistic flow going. There are days where inspirations are overflowing but not all days are like that. There are instances where I feel like my creative juices are squeezed to its limit and my creativity has been tested. However, those days are quite fun still, it’s like an extra challenge. Regardless of how uninspired I am, I still continue to paint so I grab my canvas, paint palette, acrylic paints, palette knives, and whatever tools I like for the day. With days like these, I usually paint abstract-themed artworks because there is no judgment and objectivity; it’s all about my guts and following my intuition. Thus, trusting in the process is what abstract art is all about. There are no mistakes, just portals to new learnings and discoveries.
In all my years of experience with creating artworks, not just paintings, I have come to a realization that inspired many people to translate their stress and sadness into something beautiful like art: I learned that you don’t have to be a real “artist” to make artworks. I never really received formal education in art, though I like to read books about art and I attend short art classes every now and then. But the point is, you don’t need an art degree to start painting, you just need to trust your instincts and grab some art materials.
So, if you’re looking for some activities to make you feel satisfied and complete, I highly recommend painting because it not only improves your mental health but it also improves your physical health and brain function, too.
As I delve into the creative process of painting, it seems like the feeling of fulfillment when finishing a painting is going through my veins already even though I haven’t fully finished the painting yet. It’s as if all my senses are lightened up and connected with each other, something that I don’t usually feel when doing something else. Painting, simply put, makes me feel good. It makes me feel complete and at home. Every brushstroke, every choice of color I make, and design that I make are all part of the process. I do not rush; I go slow and sure just so I can enjoy the process even more. Thus, it also gives me more time to think about the end goal that I want to attain in my painting. Once all the work is done, I now go through the hardest part: the drying time and the waiting time.
Waiting for my painting to completely dry feels like forever. I feel so excited to touch it and at the same time, I don’t wanna ruin it as it might smudge. So I try to distract myself by proceeding to make a new artwork, do some errands, or read a book. After a day or two, my painting is finally finished.
Of course, it doesn’t end there yet. I have to sign my painting before I varnish the canvas for final touches. After signing and varnishing the canvas, it’s good to go and I have to look at it to grab the essence of my artwork and hardwork. It feels so emotional knowing that every process has that feeling of fulfilment when finishing a painting, even though it’s not completely finished yet. However, this stage is final, and I only have to display the painting somewhere in my home. The remnants of my soul are left behind in that canvas so it means so much to me.
The Final Challenge
Everyone’s painting journey is different. Now that I have shared mine, I hope my story inspired you to start on a new artistic adventure with your canvas, paint palette, brushes, and pigments. Art is powerful and it gives you satisfaction, fulfillment, joy, and confidence among the other feelings that it gives. So, start painting and feel the joy of creating art!