person with questions and difficulty in studies

A Collection of Advice To Help You With Overcoming Your Creative Block

person with questions and difficulty in studies

Whether you’re a working professional, a businessman, or an artist, it’s essential to keep nurturing your creativity and test your limits. However, it’s very common to experience some form of creative block every once in a while. 

Visualizing the project and actually doing it can be challenging to both beginners and experts alike. This can either leave you stuck temporarily or can make you give it up altogether. If you’re experiencing this rut right now, then you’re in the right place. We’re here to provide you a list of tips for overcoming your creative block that can help you along your journey, plus the reason why Paint by Numbers might just be the escape you’re looking for. 

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As an article writer, I’ve had my fair share of writer’s block. The longer it took for me to get an article done, the more anxious I grew. This led me to google a lot of ‘why’ and ‘how’ to overcome the unpleasant feeling. As a result, I stumbled across a quote by a painter named Chuck Close, stating:

 Inspiration is for rookies- the rest of us just show up and get to work.

woman looking and painting at studio

As cliche and as overused as the motto “Just Do It” is, it made a lot of sense for me at that moment. “You can’t create an article if you’re not going to finish it. It’s not going to magically appear!”, I thought. After reading that quote I immediately sat back down and went straight back to writing, not caring about the mistakes along the way. Besides, how will you learn if you don’t act on it? So if you’re stuck in the blank void just like I was and can’t seem to finish that painting you’re working on, stop overthinking for a moment and let your spontaneity take over. In this way, you’re a step closer to overcoming your creative block and finishing your art at the same time. Always remember, the greatest inventions were made by accident. Just do your best and keep creating!

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People may tell you to separate your work and personal life. And depending on your field or preference, it may be hard for you to do so. For some, their art or creation is an extension of themselves, and the failure of not reaching their expectations can be damaging to their self-worth. For this reason, Hollie Chastain, a modern artist and illustrator shunned this belief, and instead closed the gap between her work and her personal life completely. It worked out for her in the end, as this choice gave her the confidence she needed to launch her career.

cloth with sigh just do you motivational

With this in mind, remember to prioritize what you think is best for you. So if you think jamming to your favorite songs or taking a nap will help in overcoming your creative block, then go for it. Listen to yourself and trust your instincts!


Speaking of listening to yourself, a bit of self-care might hit the spot. Do you know that fatigue and overexertion are two major reasons for creative block? If you do feel stress taking over instead of creativity, it can be rather overwhelming. It’s your body’s way of signaling you to take a break. Relax, go take a vacation if you need to. Or if you’re really crunched up on time, try going to a coffee shop, or the park. The change in scenery will help you clear your mind, inspire you, and fuel your creativity.

person relaxing and lying on hammock in the forest


If you’re running out of ideas, then it’s time for you to get out of your comfort zone and explore! Learn something new that’s unrelated to whatever you’re working on, and try an activity you’ve never done before. The excitement can trigger you to form unique ideas and urge you to think outside the box.

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Paint by Numbers and Overcoming Your Creative Block

Custom Paint by Number Paints with brush

I bet you’re surprised to see both “Paint by Numbers” and “Overcoming Your Creative Block” in the same sentence. However, Paint by Numbers might just be the solution you need to get over your creative block. It’s fun, relaxing, plus you don’t have to do any creative thinking. Just let the brush guide you and put your mind at ease. Other than its calming benefits, it can also help you explore if it’s an activity you’ll be doing for the first time. Doing so will heighten your creativity and problem-solving capabilities. So if you’re ready to expand your creative horizons through Paint by Numbers, go ahead and scroll through Mii! 

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